Friday 18 April 2008

April 17th 2008

I've had my allotment now for six months. I didn't do any work through January and February as it was too cold for me to venture onto the plot. I did have all unplanted areas covered in heavy duty black plastic, but I did give it all a quick dig over just to loosen the soil.

I thought it was time I did an update of my plot progress.When I took this picture yesterday (April 17th 2008) the east winds were very strong and cool even though the sun was shining.
I have been waiting for a delivery of wood chips to finish my pathways before I took any update pics.

The pic below shows my little raspberry bed with a few strawberry plants in the front.
I have onions, shallots and a few garlic growing in this bed
The raised bed closest to the bank is the last bed to be sieved. I'm saving that job for a sunny day.

I made this rock garden to tidy up this ugly back corner. All the rock I used I dug up around the plot. A couple of them were so big and heavy I had to roll them to the back..Phew !!!
I have planted quite a few summer flowering bulbs and seeds here too.

The raised beds have been sieved of all stones. They look quite full at the moment but they will sink once we get some rain.

I originally bought these box plants for my garden at home. When I laid them in position it thought it made everything look too busy. They seem to like it where they are and are doing well.

This open plan style bed I have used for planting my potatoes.One row of each...Ulster Sceptre, Vales Emerald, International Kidney, Rooster, Charlotte, Pink Fir Apple and Cara


Simon said...

Wow, looks very impressive, I bet you feel pleased with the results of your hard work

Anonymous said...

Well you have done well, a big pat on your backs, you must feel
really happy with what you two have achieved in the short time, if you have time pop ove to mine and do the same please, he ! he!
keep up the good work

all the best
windy (A4A)

DUG said...

WOW! What a dirrerence in 6-months! Its looking great :)

...and the best bit about allotments is as they `mature` they just keep on getting better abd better.