Friday 6 March 2009

Raised Beds Plot 20b

Getting there slowly..The soil is beautiful on this plot, much better than my first plot next door.


Daisy Debs said...

I just love your "lottie in full bloom " picture ! I love to get some colour into my veg garden too. Yesterday I sowed Honesty ,Sweetpeas and marigolds .Debs(Woodypecks)

Jo said...

What a beautiful view you have from your allotment.

I love your summer house.

Daisy Debs said...

Just passing through to say "Hi!",s it all coming along ? It,s been so blooming windy here ,not good for delicate seedlings .Those dahlias look lovely .

Anonymous said...

Hi there, got the link to your blog through a post on allotments4all,looks a great plot.

I'm building a cloche similar to the one you photographed for the "home made cloches" link.

I'm struggling to source the black plastic pipe connectors and inserts, went to B&Q but didn't see them, was wondering if hubby had more info on these pieces.

Also can you tell me if the MDPE was 25mm diameter?

My email's

Thanks in advance, Kenny